Birth story

It was known from 36 weeks my little Baby G was lying transverse in my uterus.
She was transverse prior to this at 32 weeks, she did turn head down at 34 week scan but decided to change position like a banana upside down again at 36 weeks.
It was advised by my obstetrician that if she stayed transverse, there was no choice but Caesarean because she could not be born way she was vaginally.
The closer we got to my due date the more likely a C-section was going to happen but I continued to remain positive and hope that she turned. I really did want to experience labour and natural birth and was preparing myself for vaginal birth at this stage and hated the thought of a Caesar.
However, due to an obstacle of 5cm fibroid size of mandarin in her way below her head, this was unlikely.

I was devastated at first at news of having a Caesar as no matter how many operations/procedures you have, it is still frightening to have procedure performed on you. However, I had to come to terms with the fact whatever was safe for my baby and I, I chose to follow and trust my doctors instructions.

At our 37 week appointment, my doctor said if baby is still lying transverse next week, I will have to admit you for observation. Reason was the closer I got to due date more likely I would go into labour and current position of baby was life threatening to her if she tried to enter the birth canal as cord would come first.

So with wishful thinking at our 38 week appointment, I was hoping baby had turned but I took along my pre natal bag for hospital in case I did get admitted.
I was now in two minds again about Caesar as not knowing how she was going to be born was driving me a little crazy as I was trying to mentally prepare myself for both was difficult but to know I was having a Caesar was also peace of mind as I knew the outcome of how I was going to give birth.

So at 38 week appointment being 8th February 2012, I was admitted to hospital for observation for a whole week ie 7 days. This was so baby could be born at 39 weeks minimising any risk for development as per doctor instruction and allowing possibility for baby to still turn but at same time I was in hands of hospital staff and could be operated on immediately if I went into labour.
It was all about risk management and that’s why I had to resort to observation. Thank goodness for private health cover over this time.

I was actually happy to be admitted for observation, as I was forced to rest and relax because at home no matter what, I could not stop nesting and doing things. We had to try to avoid going into labour prior to my booked date of 16th February 2012 for my c-section.

I took my crocheting into hospital, book to read and magazines.

I spent my first few days, crocheting booties and handed them to others who I met from antenatal classes as a gift. I also got many visitors whilst in observation which I feel happy for.
Thanks to Mum, Dad, Sisters and best friends, My mother and father in law and all kind messages from people who cared about me.

My obstetrician had me on daily obs and daily fetal heart monitor. I loved listening to baby’s heart beat whilst in there so therapeutic and to know baby was happy and content inside. SO happy and content that she did not want to show any signs of entering the outside world.

On Monday 13th my obstetrician attempted to turn baby but still no luck, so it was confirmed a c-section was going to occur on Thursday 16th February.

However, it was not until Tuesday 14th whilst in hospital that I had a show of water leakage well more heavier then last past two weeks. I thought I better address it with the midwives in hospital. (I actually did not realise my waters were slowly leaking past two weeks but I did have distinct smell coming from that area and when nurse told me that smell was my water I realised I had been leaking last two weeks.)

I made the midwife aware and was told to get to bed immediately as it appeared the leakages was my waters but it was not a gush of water ie did not break but appeared it was leaking.

The midwife said the smell was quite distinct that it was my waters and contacted my obstetrician straight away for advice on what next to do.

The fetal heart monitor was placed onto me again to ensure I was not contracting. I was having Braxton hicks contractions and irregular but nothing to show I was commencing labour.
However, an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety rushed through me when I was told to get to bed immediately and the image of me going into labour and a nurse requiring to put surgical gloves on and putting her hand up internally to hold the cord in place prior to an emergency Caesar flashed past me. I said to myself this is not how I want my labour, I want my partner here and I want my doctor to do the Caesar but if I was in labour now and my doctor was not around, I had to be rushed across to the public hospital as time was of the essence and we had to do everything in our power not to lose the baby. I let out a cry of desperation and fear as not knowing what was going to happen.
Then I tried to contain myself and tell myself everything was ok I am in the best place…and asked the universe to not let natural labour happen now.

I then spoke to a wonderful friend of mine who calmed my state of mind and told me to connect to the spirit of my little baby to come and trust that the right solution will come.
After talking to her, I had a sleep and then my doctor came to visit me spoke to me for a few minutes..said to nurses keep me informed of any changes…and all he asked was how many weeks are you …

Then 5 minutes later the phone rings, it was my obstetrician and he was concerned that this minor incident of water leakage could become a major incident/emergency prior to our Caesar booked for Thursday so he said at 3pm that via telephone to avoid a major incident he would organise a C-section for tonight between 6-630pm as I last ate lunch at 12pm so I needed to wait 6 hours prior to having a spinal block.

So at 3pm I was told I was having my baby today..I madly rushed and rang my husband and with excitement and anxiety prepared myself for delivering my baby that night.
We couldn’t believe that we were going to meet our new addition tonight…that this was it…the day was finally here.

Husband was so excited and came to hospital all prepared to stay the night
He turned up as I was in my theatre gear. It was now real…it was happening…
Thank goodness Husband was allowed to come into theatre as I was having a spinal block which meant I would be awake during the procedure but would not be able to feel anything.
It was surreal feeling that I was about to deliver my baby.
I awaited in theatre for approx. half an hour whilst they got me prepared for the procedure prior to Husband entering.

The spinal block was interesting feeling…legs felt heavy you could not move them and I actually felt relaxed. It was like a tickling feeling whilst they cut me open to deliver my baby.
Husband stayed next to me at head of table comforting me.
It all happened so quickly but all I remember is my ob saying…I can see feet…feet out then head then I hear this is your baby girl and her face staring down at me on the table over the cover…saying hello mummy…I whimpered like a girl cried hysterically as I finally got to experience what it feels like to be a mum.

Then off they took her to get her checked out by the paediatrician and get her breathing…I heard a little squeal from her but that was all. I also yelled out please check that she has 10 fingers and 10 toes. Her Apgar score was excellent 8 then 9. So overall perfection.

Whilst that is happening…they are now stitching me up, first uterus which was a lower cut (thank goodness as possibility it would be a vertical cut and it would mean a future birth would have to be Caesar but with lower cut meant I can still have vaginal birth in future)

My obstetrician also removed an endometrioma from right ovary whilst in theatre.
In between and prior to taking our new baby girl, Scarlett Rose upstairs to be weighed and measured, the midwife Kim brought her back to me to have kisses from her and Husband got a photo with her too.
I was now to be finished being operated on then I had to go to recovery for 30 minutes prior to being taken back to my room with my new family.
Husband was going to perform skin to skin with Scarlett as he was next best thing to skin to skin with me and breast feeding.

That 30 minutes in recovery was the longest time ever especially when all I wanted to be was with my new baby girl and husband.

After 30 minutes, I was wheeled back to my room and Scarlett was placed onto my breast straight away.

Scarlett my beautiful angel attached straight away and the colostrium came out easily.
With help from nurses that first night as I could not get out of bed to feed her…thank goodness but with difficulty lying in bed and feeding her was a challenge 

God bless to my husband Husband who had to change her first two nappies which were the meconium black pooey  nappies…like sticky tar…so here I laid in bed directing him on how to change a nappy.

I did attempt to get nurse to help with second nappy as something came over Husband an overwhelming feeling of him becoming a dad really got to him and he was not his normal self…anxiety got the better of him.

And we had to have this terrible temporary nurse at one stage come in to help us feed baby as I was lying down and she hurt my boob as she squeezed the colostrium out.
Husband makes a wonderful dad but this overwhelming feeling of parenthood got to him and he was feeling dizzy and sick and resulted in two – three days of tummy upsets.
Husband only stayed for one night as it was no good for both of us to get no sleep and him to try to help me during the day so he went home each night, took care of the household chores and duties and animals.

He managed to do this for whole time I was hospitalised.
The next 5 nights and 6 days in hospital were amazing…the whole job of motherhood is such a beautiful experience and nothing beats it…

Breast feeding is going well as baby Scarlett is a wonderful attacher and sucks real well and my milk came in end of Day 3 which was also good.

I was a write off on Wednesday as I could not get out of bed or struggled and the second night on my own I managed to get out of bed all drugged up on Endone and feed baby Scarlett…I was in pain and it was hard but I managed to change her nappies even though in between I dropped things on the floor and could not pick them up lol
The nurses said I was not having enough Morphine but it made me feel sick…I did be sick the first 24 hours probably from the after effects of spinal block.
I was also had attached a pain buster bag which was connected to my uterus internally dripping anaesthetic to numb the pain internally to minimise pain medication I had to take orally.
This was on for 72 hours.
 I took endone (tablet form of morphine) for 2 days but reduced it to one table as two made me very drowsy and I found myself falling asleep nearly feeding Scarlett.
By Day 3, I was endone free but maintained panadol and voltaren.
By Day 4, I had no bowel movement so I had to have an enima. The poor practical nurse had to watch them place an enima and she also had to help me bath.
By Day 5 in hospital I could get out of bed and wash myself and could manage most things on my own.

My overall birth experience was unique and perfect in every way…it was what was meant to be and I wish I could freeze the time and relive the experience and every  moment go over again…
Us women who suffer from infertility…I found I was engrossed in every detail during my pregnancy and through out the birth…every moment I feel I am treasuring as who knows when or if there will be a next time and I want to ensure I embrace every moment of this blessing I have been given.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this!! I love reading birth stories because everyone's is so unique but somehow you manage through and end up with a lovely baby at the end. Everyone keeps asking me what my birth plan is. Here it is: healthy mom and healthy baby. Anything else seems silly because when you want or hope for things a certain way it just doesn't happen and then you're disappointed. So thank you for posting an honest and true birth story and I admire you for going with the flow and for doing what was best for you and miss Scarlett! Xoxo
