Wednesday, 8 February 2012

37 weeks 6 days ....Its so close

It has been while in between posts and thought I should write a blog update prior to my possible admission into hospital later today...

Im not having the baby yet but my OB wants me under supervision due to position of my baby...its in transverse lieing across my uterus facing was head down at 34 weeks but turned back at 36 weeks to transverse...we believe its the fibroid thats stopping baby wanting to engage but the fibroid is ony 5 cm

My OB said if I go into labour now and position of baby's feet over cervix and where chord is...we could lose the baby so that is reason why....its great to know I am in the best of hands but now instead of packing one suitcase for after having baby...I am now packing one for hospital stay before...

I was overwhelmed with possibility and still am of a cesar but whatever is best option for baby and me I trust in the process...

I felt ripped off at first at the feeling that I may not experience real labour but it does not mean I am any less of a woman or mother....whichever it is meant to be I will follow..

I have had braxton hick contractions from as early as 28 weeks anyways so at least I have had an insight into what they feel like..

I had placed too much pressure on myself after reading all these books on natural birth vaginally and was so focused on having it vaginally...I deleted the thought of cesar from my mind...after the whole IVF process...I just wanted to experience as such a NORMAL birth but after some discussion with my beautiful mum and is still a normal birth whether vaginally or cesar...if we didnt have choice of cesars many people would be childless so thank god for medical science once again

So am excited that I will hopefully meet our bundle of joy within next week pending if baby turns but if OB will do a Cesar as he does not want to risk the loss of my baby...

I am now at stage I dont care too much how I get to hold my baby..I just want it and to be able to enjoy all those wonderful moments of newborn....

So thats my quick update for now...and yes I have been nesting really bad even hubby has...our house hasnt been cleaner lol...but all that matters is the love we have for each other and our baby ...


  1. Wow! You are so close. Praying good thoughts for you and baby. Maybe baby will turn? If not, it def doesn't make you less of a woman or mother if you have a caesarian. Can't wait to read your next post all about your little one. I've been having a ton of Braxton hicks, I only just realized that's what they actually were lol!

  2. Aghhhhh OMG.

    Ok thinking of you and have written on BC so make sure you update us if you aren't going in today otherwise I will STRESS!

  3. Wow, not long at all now! Hope it all goes well and like you said, as long as the baby arrives safe and sound, that's the most important thing! All the best and take care if we don't hear from you again before the baby arrives! Exciting times!

  4. I can remember being so disappointed when I was told that I would need a c-section for our DD (b/c she was breech)... but the minute she arrived, it didn't matter one little bit and every time I cuddled her and looked at her, I could forget all about my dreams of a natural birth. Hope all is well with you and looking forward to hearing your good news soon :)) Love to you both xoxo
