Friday 14 October 2011

Can Facebook handle the news?

Thank to you all my supporters and dealing with my momentarily crazy rants... Well push come to shove and a friend had written something on my facebook wall re my belly getting bigger.... and to not offend anyone else who are friends of mine in past from either work or school who do not know the news.... I thought this has to be the opportunity now...I cant keep it hidden.... I cant lie that I dont have any news so I spreaded the word My hubby didnt want me to announce it on facebook as he wanted to keep it private but why cant I celebrate with the world...The timing is perfect I wasnt ready to rush to tell facebook at 12 weeks...facebook didnt deserve to know but I privately sent messages to those close to me of the I felt comfortable at that time...and in between the joy of telling people you know in person is so much better then facebook so I had to allow time for that too... I was overwhelmed with emotions each step of this pregnancy and this pregnancy deserved the respect I wanted for it....the whole world did not have to be plastered the news at 12 weeks....I was not going to be the typical facebook pregnancy announcement..thats not me (not to say any of you who did shouldnt of....this is just how I felt) but with me getting bigger and photos taken couple of weeks ago and passing 20 weeks I think Ive left it long I did Hope you are all proud of me....Overwhelming of emotions as I did it this its obviously been a struggle for us..but facebook dont need to know that...all they need to know is Im happy and pregnant and enjoying every day and every moment of it Love to you all


  1. ahh you did the right thing. anyone that is a friend knows your story anyway and it isn't like you were doing the whole sumg fertile thing. dont stress on it!

  2. Wonderful... sounds like you did it your way and at a time right for you :) xoxo

  3. Well done for taking that step. I think it's important that you acknowledged your closest friends and family with the news personally and then do the whole FB announcement for the rest.

  4. Good on you! Be proud of yourself for doing it in your own time. Being pregnant is wonderful news so why not share it with everyone now.

  5. Good for you!! Facebook can totally handle the news and I get why you didn't post right away. I am just over 13 weeks and still don't want to make "That" post and I doubt I will. :)

  6. Congrats on 'coming out of the FB closet!' :) Yeah - 20 weeks sounds about right to me!
