Thursday 21 July 2011

We could hear the heart beat!!!

Wow yes you heard it from me we have a healthy heart beat 177 bpm and only one as some of us were worried with such high readings of HCG it may have been twins but yes its one only! It was the best day of our lives for hubby and I. Such a relief to see the flicker and hear the heart Enrique says...'I can feel the heartbeat' we sure did!!

and we were out by 2 days on my weeks so yesterday we were officially 9 weeks woo hoo!!! so now Im booked in for nuchal scan just to get a good look at baby again in 3 weeks time and will see my obstetrician 2 days before then obviously if all goes well which Im pretty dam confident ...I can tell my Nanna at her 90th Bday that Saturday after we are 12 weeks I have been dying to tell her and she has been waiting a very loong time for this announcement so cant wait to see her face!!!

I hope you enjoy the picture as Im not too great with scanning and as you may see the stubby little arm is waving at us lol

My fertility specialist is such a miracle worker and he has such a special gift whilst he was on holidays he had 8 ladies out of 10 get Big Fat Positives and saw 7 ladies yesterday all with successful pregnancies...This man is a legend and I owe this bubba to him...cant wait until my baby gets to meet him !!!

Well whilst I bathe in one of the highest moments in our lives other then our wedding day...and catch up on some sleep as sleep deprived for 2 hours last night with the whole day flashing past me over and over again ....repeating all words said by our doctor, hubby and I. I cried and cried and cried with tears of enjoyment and release of my fear all in one go!!

I cant wait to be a mummy!!!


  1. AWESOME! Hearing the heart beat for the first time is the absolute best! I am so happy for you mate. I'm going to predict a girl!

  2. Yay! that's wonderful news!

  3. Sorry that I've been so slow in commenting... great to hear that your scan went to well and that you could hear your little ones heart beat so clearly :)) Congratulations :)) Love to you and your bub xoxo

  4. That's great news... Ride the waves of pure happiness. You deserve to be bloody happy. Your story amazes me. You are going to be a great mum!!

  5. That is fantastic news. Enjoy the moment it has been well deserved. It's wonderful that you will be able to share it with your nan and on such a special day.

  6. Babes huge congrats. I was busting all day yesterday to see how many you had in there. Man I am disappointed I wanted two!!

  7. Wow!! This is such exciting news! :) Congrats on everything being okay and getting to hear the heartbeat!! After all you've been through, you truly deserve this special day!

  8. Thanks guys for all your support I love you all!!
    Chon I know you are too funny you had me going a bit too thinking it was lol...and pregnancy does weird things to your dreams I dreamt I had 15 babies last night...must have been after watching inside the human body and women with sextuplets lol

  9. Wow! Congratulations to you! This post brought tears to my eyes and some very, very much needed hope! Thank you so much for sharing this!

  10. Congratulations - what a wonderful blessing!
